Coping with Stress in the Midst of Uncertainties

Along with Covid-19 came uncertainties and stress. How can Christian educators cope with them? Let us join this course and learn together!

Instructor: Tjhin Lince, M.Pd., Ed.S.

Last update: 2022
Language: English

JP (Lesson Hours): 5

Course Objective

At the end of this topic, you will be able to:

1. identify the stressful situation that s/he experiences and what causes the stress.
2. recognize the impact of stress on Christian educators, regarding their role as educators in specific, and as individuals with many other roles in general.
3. understand the importance of accepting and coping with stressful situations.

This course includes:

Course Content

M1.1 Video Part 1 Introduction: What is stress?

M1.2 Presentation Slide Part 1 - What is Stress?

M1.3 Assignment 1 - How stressful are we?

M2.1 Video Part 2 - The Impact of Stress to Christian Educators

M2.2 Presentation Slide Part 2: The impact of Stress to Christian Educators

M2.3 Assignment 2: Lesson Learned

M3.1 Video Part 3 - Coping with Stress

M3.2 Presentation Slide Part 3: Coping with Stress

M3.3 Assignment 3: How to Cope with Stress

Recommended for:

Course Registration

Masukkan nama depan Anda. Contoh: John Wallace Doe = John Type your first name. Example: John Wallace Doe = John
Masukkan nama tengah dan belakang Anda. Contoh: John Wallace Doe = Wallace Doe Type your middle and last name. Example: John Wallace Doe = Wallace Doe
Masukkan alamat email dengan domain sekolah atau institusi tempat Anda bekerja jika ada. Jika tidak, masukkan alamat email pribadi. (Type your email address with the domain of the school or institution you are affiliated with if there is any. Otherwise, type your private email address.)
Masukkan nomor handphone Anda yang terkoneksi dengan Whatsapp. (Type your Whatsapp-connected mobile phone number.)
Jika mengajar lebih dari satu jenjang, pilih jenjang utama yang Anda ajar. (Choose the dominant level if you teach multiple levels.)

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