Mengenal Berbagai Tipe Asesmen Jenis-jenis asesmen apa saja yang bisa dipakai guru? Bagaimana cara menggunakannya dengan benar? Instructor: Ryan Oktapratama, […]
(Project Zero) Thinking Routines and How They Promote HOTS to Students Join this course to learn about thinking routines and
The SAMR Framework for Evaluating E-learning Through this course, you will learn the SAMR framework for evaluating e-learning as well
Normalizing the New: Lesson Learned from the Pandemics Changes are never easy to cope with. In this course, you will
Bringing The Best of Both Worlds: Hyflex and Hybrid Which one would you choose, Hyflex or Hybrid? Why not both?
Moving Forward with Authentic Pedagogy: Concept-based Inquiry, 21st Century & Beyond What is concept-based learning? Why is it significant for
Memproklamirkan Kristus Melalui Metode Backward Design dan Pendekatan Transdisiplin Penerapan backward design dan transdisciplinary approach sambil memproklamirkan Kristus di kelas?
Mengenal Pengembangan Silabus dan Kurikulum Merdeka Ingin mengetahui lebih jauh tentang teori dan penerapan Kurikulum Merdeka? Ikuti kursus ini sekarang