

Moving Forward with Authentic Pedagogy: Concept-based Inquiry, 21st Century & Beyond

What is concept-based learning? Why is it significant for our students' learning? Let us learn together and try implementing it in our classroom!

Instructor: Trevor Jones, MSc., MEd.

Last update: 2022
Language: English

JP (Lesson Hours): 5

Course Objective

1. Understand concept-based learning and why it is significant for students’ learning.
2. Identify teaching approaches that can support concept-based learning.
3. Integrate concept-based learning into their classroom.

This Course Includes:

Course Content

M1.1. [Video] Concept-based Learning
M1.2. [Read] “Concept-based learning,” Global Goals Curriculum (2021)
M1.3. [Video] Teaching “Conceptual Understanding.” Corwin (2017)
M1.4. [Assignment] Reflect/Respond
M1.5. [Read] “Concept-based teaching and learning: A review of research literature” – Optional
M1.6. [Video] Advantages of concept-based curriculum – Optional
M1.7. [Video] Concept-based learning – Optional

M2.1. [Video] What is Concept-based Inquiry Learning?
M2.2. [Reading] What Is Inquiry-Based Instruction? By Anna J. Warner and Brian E. Myers
M2.3. [Reading] Online – What is inquiry-based learning? On Concept to Classroom web page
M2.4. [Video] What is Inquiry-Based Learning? By Scott Crombie May 27, 2014
M2.5. [Assignment 2] Reflect/Respond – Optional
M2.6. [Read] Online – “The 5 E’s of Inquiry-Based Learning,” by Sam Northern – Optional
M2.7. [Listen] Online “Inside the Concept-Based Inquiry Classroom.” Rachel French – Dec 16, 2019 – Optional

M3.1. [Video] Which teaching approaches can support concept-based learning?
M3.2. [Read] Concept-based inquiry by Rachel French
M3.3. [Reading] Which teaching approach can support concept-based learning?
M3.4. [Video] Understanding the Power of Concept-Based Inquiry with Rachel French
M3.5. [Assignment 3] Reflect/Respond

M4.1. [Video] Conclusion

M4.2. [Assignment 4] Exit Ticket

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