

Coping with Stress in the Midst of Uncertainties

Along with Covid-19 came uncertainties and stress. How can Christian educators cope with them? Let us join this course and learn together!

Instructor: Tjhin Lince, M.Pd., Ed.S.

Last update: 2022
Language: English

JP (Lesson Hours): 5

Course Objective

  1. Identify the stressful situation that they experience and what causes the stress.
  2. Recognize the impact of stress on Christian educators, regarding their role as educators in specific, and as individuals with many other roles in generla.
  3. Understand the importane of accepting and coping with stressful situations.

This Course Includes:

Course Content

M1.1. [Video] Introduction: What is Stress?
M1.2. [Slides] What is Stress?
M1.3. [Assignment] How Stressed are We?

M2.1. [Video] The Impact of Stress to Christian Educators
M2.2. [Slides] The Impact of Stress to Christian Educators
M2.3. [Assignment] Lesson Learned

M3.1. [Video] Coping with Stress
M3.2. [Slides] Coping with Stress
M3.3. [Assignment] How to Cope with Stress

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